…and a Happy New Year to all of you. Here’s hoping we can all have a better 2021. There is at least some light at the end of the tunnel, with the vaccination programme moving forward quite well, it seems. Hopefully we will have Covid under some control soon, as we will be able to resume meeting up and re-start stitching group and classes. Embroidery has provided a lifeline for many of us during these difficult times, and it will take is through and out the other side.
I hope that we will also be able to take on board this salutary lesson as well: that we are not gods, and we do not control the world! It is not ‘ours’ to exploit, and we have no more right to be here than any other species. With careful attention, we can restore the planet to something resembling what it was until we messed things up, but we do need to act NOW!
I do remember a few years ago now when I was at college, I was looking for images about various ecosystems for a lecture. I googled ‘Tundra’ – and all I got was pictures of 4x4s. It took me several pages of images to find a nice pic of the Arctic. That’s not what our priorities should be….. (End of former biologist’s rant! Apologies, folks, but not for the sentiments.)
My ‘own’ embroidery has been progressing a bit more slowly that it might have done, because of work I have been doing for an online embroidery masterclass, which hopefully will be coming out soon – if Covid will allow us to meet up to film some videos! More news as soon as possible, folks.
However, I have been up to a bit: some dressmaking, and a piece for the Embroiderers Guild Members Challenge. Here are some pics: I’m quite pleased with the blouses, because I had to adapt a pattern quite a lot to get the size right. They do at least have sleeves that cope with bingo wings. I know they aren’t embroidery, but….
The embroidered piece is based on images from Ernst Haeckel’s ‘Art Forms from the Ocean.’ Radiolarians, microscopic animals in the plankton. I love this sort of stuff, I must admit, although my niece dismisses it as ‘squishy stuff’. She’s an oceanographer, but very much physical, not biological oceanography!
Things are starting to look up from the events point of view, in that I have been asked to do a lecture for EYES (East Yorkshire Embroidery Society) via Zoon on Feb 13th. I will be talking about “Serendipity: Austen, Embroidery and The Lady’s Magazine”. I’m not sure if non-members can join this session, but once I can make sure it all works, I will be organising some of my other lectures on to Zoom as well, so I should be able to organise my own lectures in this way.
I will post through this newsletter and my other social media etc when I have things up and running, as well as on my website.
If you want to ask about joining my lecture on 13th Feb, please contact EYES via their website, www.eyes-embroidery.co.uk.
I mentioned earlier about work I have been doing for an online embroidery Masterclass. This is for Inner Street, who organise the Knitting and Stitching Shows. As soon as I know more about when it will be available I will be talking about it more. It’s been a lot of fun, as well as a lot of work to get it set up, but I hope it will be popular.
As well as that I have been working on some courses of my own. A couple of little ‘Intro’ type courses, which I hope to make available soon, and a larger one based on a Sampler Challenge project, which will take a little more time to set up. Getting the hang of the technology and filming the videos has been the tricksy bit, but I’m getting there. They will be available on Teachable, where I am setting up an online school, Alison Larkin Embroidery. Here are the intro projects…. Watch this space (and all my others!) for more info.
I hope to put a Newsletter together monthly with information and, well, news. Do keep an eye on my various social media feeds for news in the meantime.
If you want to contact me you can DM me through the above or email, or you can reach me through my contact page on the website. https://alisonlarkinembroidery.com/information-and-contact